"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20


Preach the Gospel and Heal the Sick.

Jesus always commanded His disciples to Preach the Gospel and heal the sick. This young boy could not walk unaided. Newly trained disciples were welcomed into a community of peace. They shared the gospel and healed the sick. This young boy regained his ability to walk unaided.

Kickstart In Church, Demonstrating Every Believer Is Anointed

After demonstrating healing and getting the believers  present to participate in the healing ministration, those healed were called up front…

 The sheer number of those coming forward to testify is amazing. The significant thing here is that they did the allowed the Holy Spirit to work through them to demonstrate the Word, to pray for one another so that we may be healed.  The Muslims round about may now experience the love of Jesus and His life as each believer becomes a functioning temple wherein the Spirit of Jesus dwells.

Muslim Healed In Jesus Name By Disciple At First Try

She had never tried this before, no one had taught her how. She took the step of faith and obeyed the Word of the Lord for a disciple…

The results will not be forgotten any time soon. Jesus is now real and personal to her, and the man will have to reckon on the goodness of Jesus. The same goodness that leads us to repentance.  So the seed is sown, God will give the increase. Hopefully this man is reconciled to the Father in time, and the disciple moves out of the category of a forgetful hearer, by doing and becoming a doer of the Word.

How many believers sit in church faithfully every week, and hear sermon upon sermon but  not remembering what was preached the week past, and still fail to grasp that James is talking about them and the vast majority of believers. We forget what we heard the past week, how would we remember anything before that?  The beauty of doing is you don’t forget, you begin to see Jesus more and more, but it is not necessarily in a dream, it is in yourself, the doer of the Word, being conformed to His image.

Discipling The Youth, Changing The Nation

We kickstarted a family in Georgia, this past weekend. I took off with their boys in Walmart to help them begin the life of healing the sick as disciples. All three are in public school… 

All three demonstrated healing in Jesus name. The oldest got baptized later and received the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking with tongues to his heavenly Father. Just as every child can communicate with their parent, this newly born again young man now communicates directly with his heavenly Father.  

The clip show one of the boys pray for a hurting grandmother, who get relief from 20 years of pain.  So powerful when the youth are directed to scripture, and shown that it works.



...And I will manifest myself to him. And Jesus did.

Healing By Students At School

Muslim Man Healed

He could not walk without a cane when he went to Walmart. He met Jesus in a  young boy…The young boy being discipled stepped out in faith which is marked by obedience. 

The result, pain gone, relief in and Jesus glorified. When we fail to teach our youth the way Jesus did, they lose interest. When we do so, they even begin to see mathematical relationships in what God does. Jesus is Lord. Time to combine excellence in academics with spiritual truths.

A Kickstart at the Talon High School in Tamale, Northern Ghana. A campus of both Muslims and Christians. The students tested the healing embedded in the finished work of Jesus on the way to the Cross. They found it works…

This was all that was needed to get them excited about the Lord and leading  some to return to their first love for Jesus.  They turned from lukewarm to hot, and some from sin to repentance.  This generation of youth may be the last before the Master returns. Support us equip them; many repented and were baptized, receiving the Holy Spirit. They stand ready to use the methods of Jesus on the harvest.

We approached a group of Muslims, men sitting with their spiritual leader, the Imam of the local mosque. We asked to pray for them. The young boy being discipled stepped out in faith which is marked by obedience…

Initially there was reluctance, which is to be expected when  you have Muslims in a group. Finally one stepped forward for prayer. He had back pains. We was prayed for by one of the team. After his healing all the men wanted prayer. This clip is of one of the men who had waist pain. After a couple of time praying his pain left. He was able to bend touch his toes and do what he could not do without pain before. 

We are responsible to point out to Muslims that Jesus is alive and responds to His name, seated at the right hand of God. Else how does one explain healing in His name. Without the funds a check bounces  in a transaction at a bank, without the Jesus a call to heal in His name has no backing. Try it with Mohamed. We need, Christian and Muslim and discuss what is provable and integrate it into what we chose to believe. Jesus is Lord and He is alive.

Catholic Youth Executive Repents, is Baptized and Receives the Holy Spirit

He identified with the witness card state of needing to repent and be baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit. Sarkodie was active as a leader in the Catholic Youth Group, he even served as an executive, yet he had not heard the full gospel as it was presented. There was genuine repentance as he confessed deep sins which most would hide, and I went ahead and baptized him. 

Not having a convenient baptismal a barrel was emptied and used and that was not an issue. The burial device is not as important as a timely new birth( any woman who has been through labor would agree that the more desirable scenario in delivery is shorter). The aim was to be faithful to the urgency and immediacy with which the new birth linked to baptism is seen in scripture. We  located an empty barrel which we filled with water and baptized him right away. I prayed with him and he immediately received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time. We did not wait until the end of the month or for more people to be gathered to go through the process as is the practice in many places, each life into the kingdom is worth timely delivery; being born of water and the Spirit.

Religions Tied To Abraham - The Father of Faith

The Lady Who Flagged The Team Down For Her Healing

It was at the end of the outing, were were on our way back, when she flagged us down vigorously. A Muslim woman wanting prayer for pain in her back…

We sat her down, and Joyce stepped up and made it known she wanted to do the praying.  She prayed for the lady, and the pain began to move from her waist down to her foot. After several iterations she was completely healed. As surely as the waters cover the sea the glory of the Lord shall cover the whole earth. Jesus is Lord.

The Goodness of God Leads Us To Repentance

The Muslim men initially did not want us close to them. They, as it were, asked us to take our craft further away from them…

By the time we were done praying for them and demonstrating the healing and love of Jesus, they were asking for us to bless them. Is not that amazing? Are we missing the harvest because we are not following the plans of the Lord of the harvest? That, if true, would be the saddest thing ahead of believers when we meet the Lord.  The stereo type of Muslim hate here is changed to bless even me. May the Lord grant us humility to accept His methods and His alone to ensure His love reaches the world. May we take the task of reconciling the world to the Father serious enough to use His methods and His methods alone. He paid so dearly to make it freely available to all.

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