It had gotten so bad at one point that God had regretted even creating man, God decided to save one righteous man, and his family, and depopulate the rest of the world with the Great Flood.
But, after the Flood, what happened again?…
Well, man fell into sin, he had children and they sinned, and they had children and they sinned and so on…
So the problem wasn’t in the earth; the problem was in man’s heart…man had a hardened heart toward God and, therefore, disobeyed God.
Now, let’s explain sin…
Sin is what separates us from God.
Have you ever broken a commandment of the Law?
For example:
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen?
Have you ever committed adultery/had sex with someone before marriage?…The Bible mentions that if you have even looked at someone with lust, you’re guilty of committing adultery with them.
Have you ever murdered someone?…The Bible mentions that if you have even hated someone, you’re guilty of murdering them in your heart.
These are just some of the commandments of the Law…
The Bible states that if you’ve broken even one of the commandments of the Law, then you’re guilty of breaking all of them.
Let’s give another scenario…
Imagine that I had this app on my phone or had a camera that recorded everything you did…
This camera records every bad thing that you have done or even thought, but it doesn’t record the good things because those are to be expected of you.
Then, I created a 5-minute video of all the bad things you ever did or thought, and put it on a big screen for the whole world to see…your friends, family, the whole world.
How would you feel?
If it were me, I would feel ashamed and would want to hide from the world.
Wouldn’t you agree?
In the same way, we all have sinned…
But we tend to compare ourselves to each other, saying things like:
“Oh, I haven’t murdered someone, I’m not as bad as them.” or
“I haven’t gone to jail like them, I’m not as bad as them” or even
“I haven’t done something as bad as that person, so I’m better than them.” etc…
You can always find someone who’s done worse than you, but does that make you right?
No, it doesn’t.
Instead of comparing ourselves to each other, we need to compare ourselves to God because He is holy and righteous.
And when we do that, we will see how unholy and unrighteous we truly are.
So that helps explain sin and how it is a problem…