These movies, created by The Last Reformation, take us back to the book of Acts and show us how we are to live our lives as disciples of Christ.


This documentary is changing the world right now! It shows how life must have been for the first disciples of Jesus who walked around on earth and why the gospel flooded the whole earth. It shows what a life of a Christian should look like – a life where signs and wonders are following us.


From the living room of a pop-star, to a homeless man on the streets in Brazil, this movie shows extraordinary and authentic moments of lives surrendered to Jesus, both the hardships and victories. Audiences are invited to experience the movement that is growing all around the world as people discover what it truly means to become disciples of Jesus.


Join Torben Sondergaard on a 7 day-trip to Brazil, which turned into a true adventure! You will see things you’ve never seen before. God is showing us how real He is and what an amazing life he has for each and every one of us. Watch the movie today and join the adventure tomorrow!

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